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Parish celebrates its first young Confirmation group

Bishop Alan Hopes has celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation with the first official ‘group’ of 13 youngsters in the new parish of Sawston and Cambourne, reports catechist Mel Ward.

With very few able to attend Catholic schools and renting our shared church, it is a great joy to us that the young people recognised the truth expressed by our patron St John Fisher that ‘A good man is not a perfect man; a good man is an honest man-faithful and unhesitatingly responsive to the voice of God in their life’ and wish for the strengthening of His presence in their lives.

We started formally preparing together in September 2017, beginning with each Saturday Mass together in which all the ‘Cambourners’ were all already participants as readers, servers, musicians and fundraisers for Cafod. This was followed by a communal meal –usually based around huge piles of pizza.

In addition to our 11 from the St John Fisher community in Cambourne we were joined by two enthusiastic girls from Our Lady of Lourdes community in Sawston who have made firm links across our large new parish.

The Ablaze Mass at St Laurence’s and the Ignite Festival all helped to affirm their desire for the Spirit to transform their lives.

Congratulations to our courageous young people who have been strengthened to stand out, stand up, step up and step forth and bring the joy and hope of the gospel to the world as apostles and prophets.

Already some have been leaders in the local Churches Together summer club, sharing with younger children the message and mission of the prophet Daniel as well as volunteering for more active ministry in the church – hoping to lead the music for a Mass each term and to further their involvement with  children’s liturgy and our sacramental preparation.

The Confirmations took place in July.

Pictured above are the Confirmation candidates with Fr John Minh and Gail Osman.


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