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Bishop Alan backs campaign against assisted suicide

Bishop Alan Hopes has appealed to Catholic health professionals to support the campaign against assisted suicide by signing a declaration affirming the right to life.

Bishop Alan’s appeal coincided with the Day for Life celebrated in England and Wales on June 19.

At the end of June, the Annual Representative Meeting of the British Medical Association (BMA) is taking place and will be an opportunity for the BMA to reconsider its position. In the lead-up to this, the movement Our Duty of Care (administered by Care not Killing) is seeking to create a voice for health care workers opposed to change of the law on assisted suicide.

Last year the BMA voted to become neutral on assisted suicide. However, many healthcare professionals are against assisted suicide and would like to put pressure on the BMA to revert their stance to opposition. In Canada, the neutral stance of the Canadian Medical Association preceded a change in law.

“No doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional should be forced to participate in euthanasia or assisted suicide,” says the declaration, “nor should they be obliged to make referral decisions to this end.

“Any change in the law undermines the public’s trust in healthcare professionals and would devalue the inherent dignity of frail, elderly, and disabled patients.

“The prohibition of killing is the only safeguard that will protect our patients.”

If you are a health professional, you can show your support for better palliative care and life until its natural end by signing the Our Duty of Care Declaration. More information can be found at:









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