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A day that enriched young Catholics in Cambourne

Following an energetic and encouraging retreat day led by Derrick Williams aimed at adults in March, St John Fisher in Cambourne church then hosted a children and youth enrichment day the following Saturday, reports Mel Ward.

Inviting a Religious Order just slightly younger than our own Catholic community here in the ‘new’ development of Cambourne worked well! Kate, Valentina and Sister Catherine joined us from the Congregation of Our Lady of Walsingham, for adoration with Fr Colin from Blackfriars and led our youngsters of all ages in prayer and reflection, song and art.

Seeds of Change is a new initiative that presents the opportunity to grow closer to Christ in our everyday lives through worship, discussion and creative activities led by Michelle Robertson, Joe Caprani, Dorothee Petit and Anne Bino and supported by our wider church family. It is open to all those in year 3 and above, with older youth from year 11 able to lead and learn how to support others.

The Seeds of Change theme for the year is “How do we know God? How does God reveal himself to us?” Based on this theme, the sisters bought prayer-focus activities which helped to engage and inform about different ways of entering into prayer and of helping us to be open to God who is always with us. A relaxing and reflective time followed by a short talk about how Sr Catherine herself became aware of God’s presence and love in her life and how prayer is the foundation and source of this relationship. The spirituality of the “Yes” of the Annunciation is key! We too, like Mary, can give our best to God.

Valentina reminded us that‚ if you want to listen to God, you have to open your heart.

Then we celebrated Mass, the source and summit of our faith, together as a whole community with our young people leading in the Liturgy of the Word, music and in other ways.

We were all encouraged to give our best to God so that we can receive the fullness of life and joy; to journey towards God together and towards wholeness. We journey not just as individuals, families and communities, but as a church born in unity with Christ so that, dying to life and self, we may rise with him.

We invite you to find out more and join Seeds of Change on a Thursday in Cambourne Church during termtime from 4:30 to 6pm followed by our community Mass if you are able. Contact Michelle and Joe at and blossom in faith, hope and love. Our next two Children and Youth Enrichment Days are on July 13 and November 16.

