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Bury target, world food crisis Mass, service for Queen

Latest news from the Diocese of East Anglia includes a target reached at St Edmunds, a CAFOD online Mass in response to the world food crisis, and a commemorative service for the Queen.

Parishioners of St Edmund’s Catholic Church in Bury St Edmunds have banded together to raise £1,000 for good causes. On 17 July various groups from the parish sold cakes, plants, art and lucky dips at Bury’s Picnic in the Park. Their money was pooled with the proceeds of talks and tours given by local historian John Saunders, and a total of £1,200 was reached. 

On Sunday September 18 at a gathering in the Church Crypt cheques each for £400 were handed over for Gatehouse, St Nicholas Hospice and St Edmund’s Church. 

Fr David Bagstaff commented: “The money has been raised during challenging times but it will go towards supporting those in need consistent with the way in which Bury’s original monks helped the poor.  Fundraising requires a lot of effort but what has impressed me is how the different groups of the parish worked with each other and not only met but exceeded their target.”

CAFOD is holding an online Mass live from Nairobi, Kenya on Friday September 23 at 7pm celebrated by Fr Simon Asira Lipuku, Regional Superior of the Salesians of St John Bosco for East Africa from the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Nairobi. 

Fr Simon was born in Kenya and was ordained a priest in 1996. He has lived in Kenya and Tanzania since 2015. He has been Rector of the Salesian Theologate of Utume and is serving as Delegate for the Salesian Family, Delegate for Formation and Provincial Vicar.

In Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan, up to 20 million people are fighting for their very survival as they face a food crisis that could be worse than any we’ve lived through.

Register here to receive the link.

Pictured above is Geri McKeag handing over a cheque to Fr David Bagstaff.

Below: Bishop Alan Hopes part in the service at Bury St Edmund’s Anglican cathedral  to commemorate the late Queen.. Pictured is Clair, Countess Euston the Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk, who is a Catholic parishioner, standing with the dean of the Cathedral.
