Mass was celebrated by parish priest Canon Peter Rollings who gave a most enlightened homily on the life of St Vincent and the work of the society in our parish and beyond.
Around 30 ailing brothers and sisters received the Sacrament of the Sick.
Fr Peter moved through the chapel to each person to be anointed. Holy Communion was distributed in the same manner. It was a kind and thoughtful gesture greatly avoiding the movement of wheelchairs and less mobile folk amongst us.
Before the final blessing we conference members renewed their SVP promises.
After Mass the narthex had been transformed into a dining room and 60 parishioners and friends sat down to a hearty hot lunch. A visit to the inspiring Quiet Garden in glorious autumn sunshine brought a truly memorable celebration to a close.
Pictured, from left to right, are Fred and Mary Grimley, Eamonn Campbell (President of St Mary’s Conference) and Rose Holland with statue of St Vincent de Paul.