A concert to celebrate the 80th anniversary of St Peter the Apostle, Gorleston was held in the church on Thursday July 11.
The Chorus of St Cecilia (full and junior choirs), with their musical director Matthew Hardy and accompanist Christopher Whiting, performed to a full church (pictured above). The festival summer concert was to celebrate the 80th anniversary but also to raise funds for St Peter’s urgent repairs.
Although St Peters church is only 80 years old, it needs around £250,000 of repairs. The choirs were excellent, and the beautiful music included popular classics and songs from musicals reported June Thorne. During the interval, the audience was also treated to a lovely buffet, wine, tea, coffee and soft drinks. All went home with a song in their heart.
In very pleasant July sunshine Bishop Alan Hopes led the SVP National Pilgrimage to Walsingham on July 7 reports Pauline McSherry.
With him were two visiting bishops from Australia and in the procession we had, once again, life-long member of the Society Fr Henry MacCarthy and our faithful altar server Andrew from Peterborough.
Pilgrims from near and far gathered in the garden and in the Basilica as voices were raised for the first hymn Love Divine. It was comforting to hear our Bishop’s words of praise and encouragement for the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society.
The Sacrament of the Sick and Benediction brought our prayerful and memorable pilgrimage to a close.
With a smile that simply and truly radiated joy, peace and prayer, from her wheelchair Beryl from King’s Lynn said: “I feel strengthened by this wonderful day with Our Lady at Walsingham”. She spoke for us all.
Parishioner Patricia Holmes who worships at St Ignatius, Caister, celebrated her 90th birthday in June along with friends at the Mass centre, which is part of St Mary’s Catholic Church, Great Yarmouth. Patricia is the front centre with parishioners and Fr Anthony Nwankwo.