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Biochemist begins new role as Felixstowe Parish Priest

A former biochemist and microbiology expert has left the world of academia behind to start a new role in Felixstowe – as parish priest at the Catholic church of St Felix.

After a middle-age rethink about the direction of his life, Fr Michael Smith is relishing the challenges he will face in the Suffolk coastal town where he took up his position in September, replacing Canon John Barnes who has retired.

“My main task is to preach the Gospel to a wider audience. If people understood our faith properly, there would be a queue outside the church door,” he said.

Fr Michael grew up in Burnley, Lancashire, the youngest of four boys. He studied biochemistry and microbiology at Sheffield University before doing a PhD at Herriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. From there he moved into science publishing and worked for the Royal Society of Chemistry for 20 years in Cambridge, commissioning articles from scientists, sitting on expert committees and attending international conferences.

His faith had always played a major part in his life and before working for the RSC he had been attracted to the idea of life in a religious order. He joined a Carmelite community and then went to Dublin for five years of study. However, he decided not to finish his studies and headed out into the academic world.

In his early 50s he was on a religious retreat when his female supervisor suggested he might want to think about becoming a priest. “My heart leapt for joy,” he admitted.

After studying at Beda College in Rome, a college for older trainee priests, he was ordained in Norwich Catholic Cathedral in July 2021. Following a short time at St Laurence’s RC Church in Cambridge he was posted back to the cathedral as assistant priest for three years. “Those three years have been the best thing I have done in my working life until now,” Fr Michael said.

Now, though, he is looking forward to guiding his new parish. “It was wonderful to be sent here by the bishop. I did a short placement here at one stage, so know a bit about the town. I cannot wait to settle in and get to know everyone.”
