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CAFOD and CSAN release joint statement on Ukraine

CAFOD and the Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN) have issued a joint statement on Ukraine and begun a joint programme of action.

“We stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people,” write the agencies. “We pray for our sister Caritas organisations, who are already helping people affected by this conflict. As one Caritas, we stand united.”

The two agencies are together coordinating with Bishop Kenneth Nowakowski of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy in England, Wales and Scotland.

CSAN’s lead responsibility in the crisis is responding to refugees in England and Wales. It leads on convening and facilitating support and welcome of refugees among Catholic dioceses and the direct service organisations in its network. CSAN draws in and disseminates guidance on how this support can best be delivered.

CAFOD’s lead responsibility in the crisis is the situation in Ukraine and on Ukraine borders. Caritas sister agencies in Ukraine and in the surrounding countries are helping people directly. CAFOD, as a member of the Disasters Emergency Committee in the UK is part of their joint appeal from which those Caritas sister agencies will benefit.

If you have a large amount of good or items that are particularly relevant to the emergency, you can contact Global Hand who arrange suitable goods to be transported to disaster areas.

To support CAFOD’s appeal for relief work in the war region, please go to

To support CSAN’s work extending the Catholic Church’s responses to poverty throughout England and Wales, including for refugees, please go to

The Government has now launched its Homes for Ukraine scheme, which allows UK households to welcome Ukrainian refugees. More information is on the Caritas website here. 

There are a number of other ways you can donate to relief efforts in Ukraine, including through Aid to the Church in Need. There is more information here. 

Pictured above is a Caritas team in a bomb shelter in Ukraine. Image: CAFOD
