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Cambridge author takes a more scientific look at God

Elizabeth Peck, a Catholic author in Cambridge, has recently published a children’s catechetical book called ‘God Is Not a Man in The Sky’.

The book is a narrative of the history of creation, which also serves as a catechism for children, and the accompanying ‘Companion Guide’ explains the theology in more depth for parents, teachers, and catechists. The author has herself served as a secondary-school teacher of Religious Education and a catechist.

The book tells the story of existence from both scientific and biblical perspectives through the Franciscan lens. Beginning ‘before’ God’s creation of the universe, the narrative unfolds through the Big Bang, evolution, the development of humanity, and the covenant, culminating in redemption through Jesus Christ.

“The principal aim,” writes the author, “is to give Catholic parents and catechists a tool that they can use in their teaching of young children, to prevent particular misconceptions from arising in the first place, and to help children grow up understanding why religious faith, why God, matters.”

“Lizzy Peck has written the book we have all been waiting for,” writes Fr Nicholas King SJ, Fellow in New Testament Studies, Campion Hall, Oxford. “Those of us who have to do with the education of the young have heard all too often from them that religion… has been disproved by ‘science’. This is simply not the case.”

‘God Is Not A Man In The Sky’ would also make a suitable Baptism or First Holy Communion gift. The book has been granted a Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur.

The book Is priced £19.50, and you can order a copy here.

Above is an illustration from the book.



