We all need God’s forgiveness but it’s good to know exactly where and how we’ve sinned. The Ignite guide to examining your conscience should help you […]
This week’s Advent blog post focuses on Gaudete Sunday, when we reflect on being joyful like Mary at the Annunciation. Rejoice for He is coming! The […]
Saint John of the Cross, who we celebrate on 14th December, said many beautiful things about having a close relationship with Jesus. He also gave some […]
On 10th December we celebrate the Blessed Martyrs of East Anglia. But who were these local men who died for their faith? Blessed Brian Lacey was born […]
Around 50 people from the Diocese of East Anglia joined 10,000 others at the recent Adoremus National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress in Liverpool. New Ignite team […]