To assist in the organisation and implementation of initiatives which enable married couples to live out their vocation to each other and as evangelisers in the world.  This will include working with schools as well as parishes and other organisations to assist their efforts to strengthen family life in our culture.


The Commission will include:

  • Married couples appointed by the Bishop and representing the geographic areas of the diocese.
  • Clergy appointed by the Bishop.
  • Individuals from schools and specialist services as needed for consultation at the request of Commission members and with the approval of the Bishop.

There will be four meetings per calendar year, the dates of which will be agreed upon at the last meeting of each year and published on the website.  Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed.  Working groups appointed to address particular issues may meet in the intervals.


In order to be quorate a clergy representative and one third of the lay members of the Commission must be present.  The venue is either Poringland or Newmarket, to be decided in advance and communicated to all members.  Failure to attend three consecutive meetings without apologies will result in consultation about the possibility of appointing a replacement.


The tenure in office is four years.  An additional term may be served if agreed by the members and approved by the Bishop.

Members will serve at the request of the Bishop.  If a member must stand down for any reason, he or she may nominate a replacement subject to approval by the Bishop.  At any time, the Commission as a whole may propose a member for approval by the Bishop.


The Chairman and Secretary will be appointed by the Bishop after consultation with the Commission.

The Chairman must be a member of the Commission, but the Secretary may be appointed externally.


The Agenda will be drawn up and circulated to Commission members and the Bishop two weeks before the meeting.

Any items to be placed on the agenda should be communicated to the Chairman at least three weeks before the meeting or brought up under any other business.

Minutes will be circulated within one month following the meeting.

Commission Members

Chairman: John D’Mello

Marriage and Family Life Co-ordinator: Dr Antonia Braithwaite


Fertility Awareness Methods Co-ordinator: Dr Antonia Braithwaite


Pro-Life Rep: Mrs Katy Torcat

School Rep: Mr Damian Wallace Email:

Members: Mrs Rebecca Clarke; Mr John and Mrs Hedwige D’Mello; Mrs Helvi Moore; Sister Camilla Oberding; Mae and Raul Parreno; Arturo Fanciulli and Silvia Ferrini.