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Diocese offers free will writing service to parishioners

Last year the Diocese of East Anglia joined Your Catholic Legacy and the Free Wills Network and it is, once again, offering a free will writing service to the first 20 parishioners to come forward. Stewardship and Fundraising Coordinator Sandra Portas explains.

Last year the diocese joined Your Catholic Legacy and the Free Wills Network shining a spotlight on legacy giving, an area of giving we often ignore. We were very pleased with those who came forward to have their wills written, a very sincere thank you for the gifts to the work of the Diocese.

While people are naturally older when they die, people of all ages can and do make charitable wills. By the age of 40, most people will have experienced a life change that puts them in a position to contemplate making a will and therefore a charitable gift.

The National Free Wills Network is a scheme which allows parishioners to have a simple will written free of charge. There is also the facility for couples to have mirror wills too. It’s a really easy-to-use service which has resulted in thousands of wills being written over the years, benefitting a huge range of charities. Any number of charities can be listed in a will.

The diocese is again offering 20 free wills to the first parishioners who come forward. Those parishioners who decide to use this service will have the opportunity to have their wills written / existing wills updated free of charge.

To take advantage of this easy-to-use service, please contact or call on 01508 492540 or write to: The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH and mark your letter for the attention of the Finance Team.

Following your enquiry to the Finance Team, you will receive a pack in the post from the Network with all the details you need to go ahead and make a solicitor’s appointment to write/update your will.

You can choose one of the local solicitors to you listed in the directory and book your appointment at a time that suits you. The will writing service normally involves an initial consultation and then a follow-up to cover any finer details.

More slots may be made available so, if you miss out this time, look out for the next announcement.
