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East Anglia clergy learn about keeping parishes safe

Priests and deacons working in the Diocese of East Anglia are attending Safeguarding training events this February.

Rebecca Bretherton, the Diocesan Safeguarding Administrator, said: “This year we are focussing on topics to help priests and deacons to create a safe environment in their parish communities. These topics include the principles of Safer Recruitment and how to run activities with children and adults at risk of abuse. An important module explains how to provide pastoral support for victims and survivors of abuse. “

The first event was held at March parish on February 1, with 25 participants mainly from the Peterborough and West Norfolk areas.

Diocesan clergy are required to attend training about this important area of Church life every two years. Our diocesan training satisfies the national Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency’s requirements for 2024/25.

Pictured above is Safeguarding Co-ordinator Mick Thurley talking to clergy in March.
