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East Anglia parishes unite to support climate campaign

Parishioners from across the diocese of East Anglia have united to support CAFOD’s new climate campaign, Our Common Home including speaking to MPs at Parliament.

On May 12, parishioners from St Henry Morse Parish in Diss took part in a kick-off Creation Mass organised by CAFOD. There, they heard from Allistair Phillip, who is visiting from the St Lucia based Caritas Antilles where local communities are already facing the impact of climate change. After Mass Allistair shared her experience of leading St Lucia’s ‘Youth Emergency Action Committees’, these help vulnerable communities be their own first responders when disasters strike.

Three people from the Diocese of East Anglia were also able to speak to MPs in Parliament at CAFOD’s annual parliamentary reception. Mark and Shirley Kalinauckas were among those there.

Shirley said: “Climate change is the issue of today and we’re very concerned for our children’s futures. Every human is equal, and young people have contributed least to the issue but will feel the impact most.  Climate change is something that affects the poorest communities around the world.”

On 26 June, a coach will travel from East Anglia and local people will join thousands of others from around Britain in a historic mass meeting of MPs and their constituents outside Parliament. 

CAFOD’s representative in East Anglia, Jane Crone, said: “There has been a great outpouring of support for our new climate campaign in the diocese already! We are really looking forward to joining others at the Time is Now lobby in June.

“Climate change is an urgent issue and one that we need to act on now. It is something that is disproportionately affecting some of the world’s poorest communities, and we as Catholics can unite to play our part in reducing the impact.”

Signups are open now and coaches will travel from every diocese in England and Wales.

Find out more about the Time is Now lobby and CAFOD’s new climate campaign:

Pictured top are Mark and Shirley Kalinauckas at the Parliamentary reception and, above, the Diss celebration.
