Evangelisation news
January 19, 2018
A challenge to become missionary disciples and missionary parishes was issued at a New Evangelisation conference in Newmarket on Saturday January 13 when a team from […]
January 17, 2018
A new parish was officially launched in the Diocese of East Anglia over the weekend of January 13 and 14 with the creation of Our Lady […]
January 9, 2018
A new video course on Mary, called Let It Be, has been produced by Catholic Faith Exploration (CaFE), with several Diocese of East Anglia links behind […]
January 4, 2018
The Diocese of East Anglia has 12 men studying for the priesthood at seminaries across Europe, the highest number for 30 years and amongst the largest […]
January 3, 2018
A team from Cromer and Sheringham parish is preparing to hit the streets to invite people to join the parish. Simon Mustoe- Arthur told Rebecca Bretherton […]
December 30, 2017
Rebecca Bretherton asks: "Have you invited anyone to join you at Mass this Christmas?" and poses a New Year challenge. If you are reading this article […]