Evangelisation news

January 19, 2018

East Anglia challenge to become missionary disciples

A challenge to become missionary disciples and missionary parishes was issued at a New Evangelisation conference in Newmarket on Saturday January 13 when a team from […]
January 17, 2018

New Cambs parish created in Diocese of East Anglia

A new parish was officially launched in the Diocese of East Anglia over the weekend of January 13 and 14 with the creation of Our Lady […]
January 9, 2018

East Anglia links to new film teaching course on Mary

A new video course on Mary, called Let It Be, has been produced by Catholic Faith Exploration (CaFE), with several Diocese of East Anglia links behind […]
January 4, 2018

Diocese has highest number of seminarians for 30 years

The Diocese of East Anglia has 12 men studying for the priesthood at seminaries across Europe, the highest number for 30 years and amongst the largest […]
January 3, 2018

Every leaflet is an invitation to join Norfolk parish

A team from Cromer and Sheringham parish is preparing to hit the streets to invite people to join the parish. Simon Mustoe- Arthur told Rebecca Bretherton […]
December 30, 2017

A New Year challenge to share your faith

Rebecca Bretherton asks: "Have you invited anyone to join you at Mass this Christmas?" and poses a New Year challenge. If you are reading this article […]