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Fair Trade, Day of Prayer, pancakes at St Pancras

Recent news from around the diocese includes a Fair Trade stall in Bury St Edmunds, artwork for the World Day of Prayer, and a pancake event in Ipswich.

St Edmund’s in Bury St Edmunds celebrated Fair Trade fortnight with an exhibition of a selection of Fair Trade products.

The event, on Sunday 27 February, included a stall selling Far Trade teas, coffees, biscuits, sweets and cereals. Also there was a stall offering free cakes and biscuits made, where possible, with Fair Trade products. The event was organised by parishioner Liz Bowden who is also a member of The Bury St Edmunds Fair Trade Partnership. Approximately 60 parishioners attended the event in the crypt after 10.30am Mass.

Angie Fox, a former employee of the Diocese of East Anglia, has designed the artwork for this year’s World Day of Prayer.

The World Day of Prayer (WDP) dates back to the 19th century when Christian women in the USA and Canada initiated a variety of cooperative activities in support of women’s involvement in mission, at home and abroad. It is from such roots that WDP has taken its present shape as “a worldwide ecumenical movement of Informed prayer and prayerful action”.

The theme this year is “I know the plans I have for you.” The three voices of England, Wales and Northern Ireland have come together to present this year’s service, recognising the differences but also the common ground. 

Find out more about the WDP here.

Shrove Tuesday saw a gathering of hungry parishioners rolling up their sleeves and pitching in to cook at a pancake party at St Pancras parish in Ipswich ahead of the start of Lent. Polish, French, and Spanish recipes were added to the traditional English sugar-and-lemon recipe on the bring-and-share menu.

Around thirty parishioners of all ages helped to launch the parish Lent project by raising the first £170 for Mary’s Meals. Other fundraising events, including a series of Thursday Lent Lunches as well as a cake sale on Mothering Sunday, will follow.

Pictured above is the Fair Trade stall at St Edmunds and, below, a detail of the artwork for the World Day of Prayer.
