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First look at April edition of Catholic East Anglia

The April 2022 edition of the Catholic East Anglia newspaper is now published online and paper copies will be available in parishes from Friday March 25.

The edition includes news of Bishop Alan Hopes’ visit to a Ukrainian church in Peterborough, the response to the Synodal Pathway survey in East Anglia and an invitation to share time, talents and treasure.

There are also details of the blessing of a new Catholic primary school in Peterborough, a homeless shelter in St John’s Cathedral and a World Youth Day launch in Newmarket.

Printed copies will be available in all churches across the Diocese from Friday March 25 and can be picked up for free and distributed among your friends or people who are not yet attending Mass.

You can sign up for regular online news updates from the Diocese of East Anglia using the form on the left of this page.

