Flavio will be well known to many as the Deputy Director for the Schools’ Service for the Catholic Diocese of East Anglia, a position he has held since September 2016.
The Trust is one of only two Catholic Multi Academy Trusts in East Anglia and was originally setup in 2016 working with academies across Suffolk and Cambridgeshire.
The schools currently in the Trust are St Alban’s High Ipswich, St Felix Primary Haverhill, St Laurence Primary Cambridge, St Mary’s Primary Ipswich, St Pancras Ipswich and St Louis Academy in Newmarket.
The first newsletter includes an article by Fr Simon Blakesley, who writes: “As a priest who over the last 30 years has seen Catholic schools somewhat on the backfoot to recruit active Catholic teachers to fulfil their vocation in our schools, I am delighted to see how we are now in a much stronger position to attract and facilitate the career and professional development of committed Catholic staff.
“Our strap line is Christ at the Centre – Children at the Heart, and this is only possible if we are unafraid to proclaim our faith in Jesus Christ and in the Body of the Church.”
Flavio writes: “I would like to thank all of our contributors and especially Kevin Bennett from St Alban’s Ipswich for his expertise and talent in pulling this together so professionally.”
The newsletter also includes an article from John Tuttle, chair of the OLOW directors, and updates from individual schools within the Trust.
The newsletter will be published twice termly, and you can download the full first edition below.
Pictured above is Flavio Vettese