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Fr John Warrington shares reflections on Covid-19

Fr John Warrington, who is taking up a position as Parish Priest at St Felix in Haverhill on October 19, has contributed to a book entitled ‘God in the time of Covid-19.’

The Carmelites in Britain have brought out this collection of articles and reflections as a way of nurturing the interior life. The writings were originally online, but many of them are now available in this book.

There is a wide range of styles, content and approaches to suit the widest range of readers and all tastes. Alongside Fr John Warrington writers include Fr Kevin Alban, O.Carm, Fr Brendan Grady, O.Carm, Fr Nicholas King, SJ and many more. A former East Anglia Diocese resident, Mr Matthew Betts, has edited the book.

 You can order a copy on  https://tinyurl.com/GodintheTime or by sending a cheque for £4.50 (including a donation for P&P) to PO Box 289, Faversham, Kent, ME13 3BZ; or you can call 01795 539 214 and pay with a credit/debit card.

Pictured above is Fr John Warrington



