Address: 15 The Terrace, Aldeburgh, IP15 5HJ (1906; 1924)
Clergy: Rev Canon David Bagstaff (Vicar General)
Telephone: 01728 452782
Mass: Sat 6pm; Sun 11am
Holy Days 10am
Live streaming of Masses: each morning at 10am direct from Fr Tony Rogers’s home on YouTube.
Confessions: Sat 5.30pm
Hospital: Aldeburgh and District Community Hosp Tel: 01728 443850
Care Homes: Aldringham Court Tel: 01728 832191
Chantry House Tel: 01728 733833
Garrett House Tel: 01728 453249
Leiston Old Abbey Tel: 01728 830944
Norwood House Tel: 01728 668600
Other places of worship in the Parish:
LEISTON, Suffolk (+)
Address: All Saints, Seaward Avenue, Leiston, Suffolk IP16 4BA. (1919; 1964)
Mass: Sun, 9.15am
Hds, 7pm
Confessions: Sun 9am