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Lowestoft school holds ‘intriguing’ multi-faith day

St Mary's Primary in Lowestoft recently held a Multi Faith Day, which one pupil said was "unique and intriguing".

To prepare for the event, each class created a display on a different faith including Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism. The day started with a whole school Mass.

Deacon Stephen Pomeroy explained in his sermon that although the global population is divided into different cultures and faith, we are all loved by God.

In the afternoon, a group of visitors, who represented each of the faiths, explained about their beliefs and traditions.The children learnt about how Buddhists chant, the meaning of the five K symbols that Sikhs wear, how Jews respect the Bible as a holy book, why Muslims wear special clothes and how Hindus celebrate different festivals.

When the pupils were asked what they had learnt from the day, Joss said: "Each faith was unique and intriguing ' I really enjoyed it", Freddie commented that: "We shouldn't judge people, just by what they wear, instead we should treat everyone with respect." Thavisha summed up the day by saying: "All the faiths believe in living in peace and loving each other."

Pictured above and right are pupils and speakers at the St Mary's Multi Faith Day.


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