Marriage Preparation Programme

Supporting material

The articles below are designed to provide extra material to supplement the material discussed in each session of the programme.  Please take the time to use them as aids to help you reflect on the material covered in a little more depth.

Introduction: Behold the Lamb of God

Ten ways to deepen our relationship with God

Session One: What is Marriage?

The meaning of marriage:

Real Love Is a Choice

The Sacrament of Marriage vs. Cohabitation

Session Two: Marriage as Covenant

Marriage doesn’t take away your freedom – quite the opposite, Pope says

The meaning of marriage

How marriage will get us to heaven – or why I change the toilet paper roll

A beautiful story of love and commitment

Session Three: Unity and Sexuality

The science of attraction: How the pill is changing who women want

Contraception and Natural Family Planning

What I Wish I’d Known Before Watching Porn

It would seem that living together before marriage would reduce the risk of divorce, but evidence shows this isn’t the case:

Session Four: Married Life

Why Do Marriages Fail?  Here’s One Ofter-Overlooked Root

The most overlooked characteristic of who you want to marry

God has a magnificent plan for the family! Our families are supposed to be natural schools of love and virtue:

Your Wedding Day

Dating and Engaged

Meaning of the Tabernacle Lamp in Catholic Churches

The Sign of the Cross

Pre-Marital Reflection Exercise

At your introductory session you will be given a Pre-Marital Reflection Exercise to help you think about your and your future spouses background and expectations.  It is purely for your use.  You will not be asked to share or discuss it, although if it does raise any significant issues, the priest and those couples on the marriage preparation team will be happy to discuss things privately with you, if you so wish. 

The exercise can be downloaded here