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Norwich parish holds retreat day at Suffolk priory

Two dozen Readers, Welcomers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion from St George’s Parish in Norwich held a Retreat Day at Clare Priory in Suffolk on Saturday June 9. Michela McNally reports.

After a scenic journey through idyllic villages, the programme started with a talk by Fr Luke Goymour on how, through Jesus Christ’s resurrection, we are more than simply patched-up sinners – we are new creations and share God’s divine life. This sharing in divine life is what we call Holiness and as Pope Francis pointed out in ‘Gaudete Et Exultate’, the call to holiness is addressed personally to each of us by the Lord.

Participants were reminded that to achieve holiness we are not meant to copy unattainable examples, but to discern our own path and bring out the very best of ourselves. After Mass and a soup lunch, time was devoted to silent reflection in the picturesque gardens and the day concluded with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Everybody went home feeling re-energised and conscious of the importance of bearing witness in their roles within the parish. A second Retreat Day with 41 participants will take place on Saturday October 6 again at Clare Priory.

Pictured above at Clare Priory are parishioners from St George’s Norwich with Fr Luke Goymour.



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