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Spotlight on Safeguarding: Mick Thurley

Welcome to the first instalment of Spotlight on Safeguarding, where we shine a light on the vital work being carried out to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children, young people, and adults at risk within the Diocese of East Anglia. 

Through this series, we will introduce the dedicated individuals at the heart of our safeguarding mission and explore the robust structures and initiatives that reflect our commitment to protecting the vulnerable. We are proud to begin by introducing Mick Thurley, the Diocese of East Anglia’s Safeguarding Coordinator, a role he has held for over thirteen years.

Prior to his work with the Diocese, Mick dedicated 32 years to the Metropolitan Police Service. For the last decade of his police career, he served as a Detective Inspector, leading a Child Abuse Investigation Team in East London. In this capacity, he managed a team of approximately 35 detectives and police staff, responsible for investigating various child abuse offences, including child deaths, sexual offences, child cruelty, and assaults. Additionally, he oversaw the investigation of criminal allegations against individuals in positions of trust working with children and young people. His expertise led him to represent the Metropolitan Police on multiple safeguarding bodies, including two Local Safeguarding Child Boards.

In his current role as the Diocesan Safeguarding Coordinator, Mick provides guidance on safeguarding matters concerning children, young people, and adults at risk. He offers advice and support to Bishop Peter Collins, as well as to clergy, lay people, parish staff, and the dedicated network of volunteer Parish Safeguarding Representatives. His responsibilities include ensuring that all individuals within the Diocese who work with vulnerable groups, whether in paid or voluntary roles, are recruited in accordance with national safe recruitment policies. Furthermore, he is responsible for responding to victims and survivors of abuse and ensuring that all allegations, including those related to child sexual abuse, are appropriately referred to statutory agencies – a responsibility he has undertaken numerous times.

Mick’s work is overseen by the Diocese of East Anglia Safeguarding Commission, which includes senior professionals from statutory agencies specialising in child and adult safeguarding, alongside laypersons, clergy, and religious representatives. The Commission is chaired by an independent legal expert, a retired senior law firm partner with a specialism in family law. Additionally, Mick reports to the Safeguarding Sub-Committee, a body of the Diocesan Trustees chaired by a Trustee with extensive experience in the education sector. This committee focuses on the strategic direction of safeguarding to ensure compliance with national standards and the continued improvement of safeguarding practices within the Diocese. These structures reflect the Diocese’s strong commitment to effective governance and safeguarding excellence.

While the role of Safeguarding Coordinator can be demanding and emotionally challenging, Mick views it as a privilege. It provides a unique opportunity to serve the Diocese and its people by ensuring that vulnerable individuals are heard, supported, and protected. He emphasises that safeguarding has always been a fundamental part of Christian duty, though it has become more professionalised and publicly recognised in recent years. Mick stresses the importance of listening to those who reach out, acknowledging that taking the first step in seeking help can be incredibly difficult. His message to parishioners facing safeguarding concerns is clear: “Get in touch—that’s what we are here for.” Likewise, for victims or survivors seeking guidance and support, he offers reassurance: “You are not alone, and we will listen to you.”

Click here for the latest safeguarding message from Bishop Peter Collins.
