On the afternoon of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, around 250 people took part in the annual street procession, followed by Benediction, at St Luke’s in Peterborough, Fr Jeffrey Downie reports.
We were led by this years’ 46 First Holy Communion children through the roads and shops around the church. Afterwards they received their certificates and enjoyed a celebration cake with refreshments. Many of this years children are pupils at the new school in the parish, St John Henry Newman Voluntary Aided Primary and our Head Teacher, Mr Cooper, carried the ombrellino. With the fine weather, many were able to enjoy playing in the gardens before heading home. They have been an exceptional group for their hard work and commitment and we are grateful also to their families and our team of catechists for their dedication and support.
Rev Canon John Minh, parish priest at Sawston and Cambourne parishes, marked the 25th anniversary of his ordination by celebrating morning Mass at St Ives on Wednesday July 10, reports Ellen Kemp.
St Ives has been without a priest in charge since June 10 and Fr John has organised supply priests for Sunday masses at Sacred Heart until the end of August, in addition he celebrates Mass on Mondays and Wednesdays. Parishioners (pictured above with Fr John), are immensely thankful for his pastoral care and support during this difficult time.
The Quiet Garden at The Sacred Heart of Jesus in Ramsay buzzed with activity on Sunday, July 14 reports Eilish Storey. The Open Day was a chance to celebrate the way the garden supports wildlife, with signs pointing out the various habitats, and how they are beneficial. Visitors commented on the peaceful atmosphere, and took advantage of the seating to quietly enjoy the wide range of plants and listen to the bird song.
Ramsey RiverCare had information about water management and volunteering to keep our rivers rubbish free. PECT had energy advice, which many found useful. The print-making activity proved popular with adults as well as children and lovely prints of leaves were made to take home. Everyone enjoyed the delicious refreshments on offer and thanks to everyone who made the Open Day such a success.
Pictured above are the First Holy Communion children in Peterborough, and below, Canon John Minh with parishioners at Sacred Heart Church, and underneath, people in Ramsey Quiet Garden.