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Suffolk pupils wellie walk to tackle food poverty

St Felix RC Primary School in Haverhill has taken part in CAFOD’s Walk Against Hunger challenge, raising money to tackle global food poverty.

The school decided that the huge playing field is an ideal place for the children to do their wellie walking challenge, but unfortunately the ground is very muddy at this time of year. The solution was for the children to put on their wellies and take on the mud. 

A total of 220 pupils and 15 staff were joined by parish priest Father John Warrington and St Mary’s Anglican vicar Reverend Max Drinkwater to raise money for CAFOD, and its life-saving work fighting hunger and malnutrition. 

Head Teacher Andi Dodds said: “We are very lucky to have such a large playing field here at St Felix, so it seemed a good idea to put on our wellies and show our support for CAFOD in a fun way.” 

Annabelle in Reception said: “We went 100 steps and I enjoyed it very much. It was so much fun that my brain went pop!” 

Florence in Year three added: “We made 100 steps for a good reason – to raise money for CAFOD.” 

Jane Crone, CAFOD’s Community Participation Coordinator for East Anglia, said: “St Felix’s school always support CAFOD with generosity and creativity and the Wellie Walk was a wonderful way of getting the whole school community thinking about food poverty.” 

If you’d like to support the St Felix’s fundraising here’s a link to their JustGiving page.

‘‘Throughout Lent parishes and schools are raising money so that CAFOD can continue its work helping communities gain better access to food in the long-term through initiatives such as training in farming methods, and savings and loans schemes which can help families and individuals to start small businesses,” said Jane.
